18 U.S.C 2257

Nude16.com is not a producer (primary or secondary) of any or all of the content found on the website. With respect to the records as per 18 USC 2257 for the content found on this site, please kindly direct your request to the site for which the content was produced.

Nude16.com is a live sex cam sharing site which allows the general viewing of various types of content.

Nude16.com abides by the following procedures to ensure compliance:

We require all users to be 18+ years of age to upload videos.

Users must affirm that they are 18+ years of age and affirm that they keep records of the videos in the content and that they are over 18 years of age.

Minors prohibited. This Website contains pornographic content and is not intended for minors. Only adults who are at least 18-years old and who have reached the age of majority in their community may access this Website. We forbid all persons who do not meet these age requirements from accessing this Website. If minors have access to your computer, please restrain their access to sexually explicit material by using any of the following products provided for informational purposes only and not endorsed by us: Norton Family Premier | Net Nanny® | Kaspersky Safe Kids | Qustodio ASACP.

Child Pornography Prohibited. We have a zero tolerance policy for pornographic content involving minors and a zero tolerance policy regarding pedophiles or any pedophilic activity. We only allow visual media of consenting adults for consenting adults on this Website. If you see any visual media, real or simulated, depicting minors engaged in sexual activity within the Website, please report this to us at webmaster@nude16.com, include with your report all appropriate evidence, including the date and time of identification. We will immediately investigate all reports and take appropriate action. We fully cooperate with any law-enforcement agency investigating child pornography. If you suspect other outside websites are participating in unlawful activities involving minors, please report them to www.asacp.org.